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毕业设计-Design of instant messaging system based on Web(基于Web的网络即时通讯系统项目设计),共23页,36084字符
Based on the theory and the analysis of actual case an online chat system, comparative analysis of the current network to establish dynamic web pages, and the advantages and disadvantages of several languages, and online chat system selected database. In today's society, computer network has become an essential part in peoples' life, people from the Internet to obtain information communication with friends, network application is more and more widely, and web sprang one by one come out, for providing static HTML pages of information and there is no way to achieve the purpose of to interact with users, so did not appear a variety of interactive web technology. To build a chat room, first of all, in the chat room of the whole situation in our mind to have a preliminary image, in many of the public chat room, its core is nothing but: 1, the statement chatter write text or database; 2, the browser constantly to text or database refresh, read; 3, real-time update online customers; 4, the administrator to chatters to kick out or IP banned operation. This chat room system is developed by the JSP technology and combining SQLSERVER database based on C/S mode development. In this paper, based on the Web and integrated at the Server instant messaging system are analyzed, using ASP.NET software for the system program development tools, and USES the SQL Server as the system background database, do a similar to Web qq instant messaging system. This paper introduces the user registration, user login, modify the password, search friends, add/remove buddy, online chat and group chat function modules, such as the realization of the process.
Key word: JSP ,Chatroom,SQL Server database,web

Table of Contents
1 Introduction to Instant Messaging 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 A brief look into instant messaging 2
2 Relational concepts about IM 2
2.1 Introduction to Web 2
2.2 An overview of instant messaging 3
3.System Design and analysis 5
3.1 User registration function 6
3.2 The user login function 6
3.3 Revise password function 7
3.4 Search/add friends function 8
3.5 Delete friends function 9
3.6 Chatting function 9
3.7 Group function 11
4. Development tool 11
4.1 A brief introduction to ASP.NET 12
4.2 A brief introduction to VB.NET 12
4.3 A brief introduction to SQL Server 2000 13
5. A brief introduction to relative technology 13
5.1 Understanding of Java technology 13
5.2 About MySQL 14
6 Feasibility analysis 15
6.1 Economic feasibility analysis 15
6.2 Technical feasibility analysis 16
7. System design 17
7.1 Database design and implementation 17
7.2 System data flow 18
7.3 System Function Module Design 19
8 .Conclusion 20

  • 毕业设计-Design of instant messaging system based on Web
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