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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+autocad
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  • 上传时间:2012-5-21 23:15:52
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Design Of Spray Nozzle Inclined Core-Pulling Injection Mould
Students: Shi Wen-Ming
Tutor: Chen Li-Hang
(Oriental Science &Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128)
Abstract: The graduation project is the subject of spray nozzle injection mold design.First, the products are analysed and calculated as to the process of the design, with the products use PVC plastic parts as its material, and then the production process of a 4 cavity mold, putting launch point gate, single typeface, comprising the main gate with conical channel, selected as the standard mold of the A1-type mold, guide pins and bushings and installation methods with the Z1 installation is established, on the basis of the scientific calculation and analysis. On this basis, the structural design of the total assembly drawingand size is determined. Then, the main components of the injection mold molded parts, especially the size of the design should be calculated, during which processes, the relevant information and reading of all kinds of plastic mold design manual should be obtained, and the specific structure of the mold and size should be calculated and revised continually before determined. With the careful and patient guidance of instructor, as well as constant revise, ultimately an complete graduation project should be done independently. In the design process, the main use of mosaic structure of the molded part benefits processing.
Key word: injection mold; gating system;side gate ;
目 录
摘 要 1
关键字 1
1前言 2
2塑件工艺性分析 3
2.1塑件原材料的分析 4
2.2塑件结构和尺寸精度、表面质量分析 5
2.3计算塑件的体积和质量 5
3确定成型方案及模具类型 6
3.1确定模具类型 6
3.2确定模具类型的主要结构 8
3.2.1分型面得选择 8
3.2.2型腔的排列方式的确定 9
3.2.3浇注系统的设计 9
3.2.4排气系统的设计 14
4脱模机构的设计 15
5推出机构的设计 17
5.1 侧向分型与抽芯机构设计 19
6冷却装置的设计 20
7成型零件的设计 22
7.1成型零件的结构设计 22
7.2成型零件的工作尺寸计算 23
8塑料模材料及选用 27
9注塑模在注射机上调试及试模 28
9.1注射机有关参数的校核 28
10总结 29
参考文献 29
致谢 30
  • 毕业设计-喷雾器喷头斜抽芯注射模设计
    • 38-喷雾器喷头斜抽芯注射模设计
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