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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械电子工程
  • 适用年级:研究生
  • 上传用户:心若芷水2010
  • 文件格式:nh
  • 文件大小:5.22MB
  • 上传时间:2012-2-11 23:32:17
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:2

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

【摘要】 表面热处理工艺是提高零件机械性能的主要手段之一,而感应加热时最常用的是表面加热淬火方法。在国内的一些地区由于电网质量较差,导致电压、电流发生波动难以保证零件淬火质量以及整批产品在淬火深度、硬度的一致性,所以必须对这些工艺参数进行实时监控,为此我们设计了感应式淬火机床能量监控器。本文以能量监控器为研究对象,首先介绍了感应式淬火机床的原理和组成以及能量监控器的功能;然后基于嵌入式系统特点、设计方法,介绍了能量监控器的总体设计方案;之后重点介绍了能量监控器的硬件设计原理及方案,包括核心板和外围电路的设计;核心板内设计了A/D转换、LCD显示电路、存储电路等;外围电路设计了LLK-B-2型指针式流量开关、温度监测监测电路、电压电流霍尔式转换电路。本设计中,选用了韩国三星公司基于ARM9的S3C2410A微处理器芯片作为嵌入式系统的硬件核心,采用uc/os-Ⅱ嵌入式实时操作系统作为软件开发平台,采用uC/GUI图形系统进行界面图形部分的开发,然后在这个基础上进行了基于uc/os-Ⅱ平台的应用程序。该监控器可以及时、准确、有效地监控当前的电压、电流、流量、温度四个工艺参数,在工艺参数超过允许范围时可以给出警告。该系统具有速度快、可扩充性强、功耗低、便携性强等特点。在保障较低开发成本的条件下,节省了开发时间,提高了开发的工作效率,对信号采集和检测的嵌入式系统设计具有一定的借鉴意义。
【Abstract】 The most popular method in induction heating is surface hardening. Some parameters, such as the temperature and flow of quench fluid, the current and the voltage in power grid, have close relative to product quality. Therefore, the real-time value of the parameters must be monitored.Energy monitoring system is based on embedded system. Nowadays, it becomes more and more popular that introduces embedded system into design of electromechanical system. Combining embedded system with energy monitoring system, a applied embedded energy monitoring system is designed. The design makes the system easy to maintain, improves the reliability and stability, provides excellent function extension. It can be a good reference for design of data-collection system based on embedded system.The article introduces hardware design and the main hardware, including each unit module and interface circuit design of the processor S3C2410A. Secondly, select a small real-time operating system uc/os-Ⅱ, and describes synchronization and communicaion mechanism of uc/os-Ⅱ. Based on uc/os-Ⅱ, select the graphical user interface with embedded softwareμC/GUI to edit interface, then analyzesμC/GUI’s characteristics. Finally, uses the keyboard which is brought about by sofeware programming. The system is pointed into four tasks. That is Main_Task, Key_Task, AD_Task, Show_Task. The article introduces the realization of the process of every task in detail, so as to achieve reasonable control.It is convenience for designers to introduce embedded system into monitoring system. And shorten the circle of developing new intelligent device, enhance the stability and maintainability of the system.
【关键词】 淬火机床; 嵌入式; 能量监控器; ARM; uc/os-Ⅱ;
【Key words】 induction quenchine machine; embedded system; energy monitor; ARM; uc/os-Ⅱ;
  • 硕士论文-基于ARM的嵌入式淬火机床能量监控器的设计
    • nh基于ARM的嵌入式淬火机床能量监控器的设计.nh  [5.85MB]
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