【摘要】 混沌信号的宽带、无周期内禀随机性、无模糊自关联性使其具有广阔的应用前景。相关法混沌激光测距系统利用其独特的自相关特性,实现了具有强抗干扰能力、高分辨率的测量。目前有多种混沌激光的产生方法,根据应用领域的不同,混沌激光的产生装置也不尽相同,但都是在满足实验需要的情况下利用尽可能简单的装置产生宽带的混沌。所以具有宽带的、集成度高的混沌源在日后的推广应用中具有极大的发展前景。本文围绕混沌激光测距系统混沌源的研究及设计,进行了如下的工作:1.介绍了混沌激光相关测距技术的原理,并根据测距的关键参数对混沌源的设计提出了要求。2.理论研究了光反馈半导体激光器产生混沌时,偏置电流、反馈强度和反馈腔长对混沌状态的影响,确定了可用于测距的混沌状态的参数范围。3.实验研究了偏置电流和反馈强度对混沌状态的影响,根据混沌激光测距系统实际应用的需要找到了对应的激光器产生混沌的范围。4.通过实验和理论研究找出的范围,设计制作了两套混沌源,并进行了参数对比,并最终将一套封装于混沌激光雷达样机中。
【Abstract】 With wideband, intrinsically random without periodicity and non-ambiguous correlation properties, chaotic signal has wide applications prospect in many fields. Chaotic correlation laser ranging system which utilized its unique correlation character realizes highly spatial resolution with good anti-jamming performance. Many methods have been found to generate chaotic light at the present time, and different chaotic-light-generated devices are applied to special domain. But every device is as simple as generated a broad bandwidth which have met the criterion already. Therefore, highly integrated chaotic light source with wideband possesses extremely expandable space in future application.The main works of this dissertation are summarized as follows:1. We introduce the principle of the chaotic correlation laser ranging system, and make request for the chaotic source depending on the key parameter of the chaotic ranging system.2. We have studied on the influence of the bias current, the feedback strength and the external cavity in the chaotic signal generation of the semiconductor laser with feedback theoretically, and then confirmed the range of the parameters which could generate the chaotic signal for ranging system.3. We have studied on the influence of the bias current and the feedback strength in the chaotic signal generation of the semiconductor laser with feedback experimentally, and confirmed the range of the parameters which could be applied to practice.4. Two simple chaotic sources are made based on the range which is defined by the results of the theoretical and experiments research. According to the comparison between them, we select one to provide the chaotic laser for the prototype chaotic lidar.
【关键词】 混沌激光; 混沌测距; 光反馈; 半导体激光器; 混沌源;
【Key words】 chaotic laser; chaotic ranging; optical feedback; semiconductor laser; chaotic source;
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