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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:计算机
  • 适用专业:酒店管理信息
  • 适用年级:硕士
  • 上传用户:飞翔颯
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:144.61KB
  • 上传时间:2011-12-7 22:05:05
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:49

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摘 要
The modern society has entered the electronic network age. Market competition is gradually vigorous. This force the management means competitively perfect oneself in each hotel, exaltation oneself service level, in order to get more sources.
With the improvement of the technologies in information along with the calculator technique, pass the calculator to proceed to the usual business of the wine shop modern of science manages, having become the exaltation wine shop image, file a valid way for with service level with the inevitable choice. At the same time, the computerization of the wine shop management, for enhance the wine shop inner part the management and increases employee's work efficiency, increase service quantity, reduce to operate the loophole, lower various cost, increment business income, accelerate the financing provides the dependable technique means to guarantees with technique. Therefore, the adoption wine shop management information system proceeds the wine shop manages, for big, middle and small wine shop is all very necessary.
The wine shop management information system circulates to the wine shop the process middleman flows, the logistics, funds flows, the information flows the proceeding manages, turning the wine shop service level fixed amount, for wine shop management the offering standardizes the homework process with fast effectively of communication means, make internal experience in wine shop knowledge shared, the public relations information spreads, customer relation management, operate the cost analysis with early warning, data scoop out wait can realizes completely. The system still passes offering every kind of management, income analysis statement, making the wine shop lead the solid hour to control dynamic the wine shop operates the condition, leads for the wine shop emollient decision in offering support.
This text with the analysis of the some medium-sized wine shop in Nan Chang management information system and design for background, aim at the characteristics of the small scaled wine shop in inside, commence with this text a work for doing from the domestic and international research present condition, the basic process that use the method of the software engineering the detailed describing the small scaled wine shop in inside in development management information system (MIS). First, in software require with analysis part, to business process and system mission needs of the small scaled wine shop proceeded the analysis with induce, putting forward the logic model of the new system; The next in order, design the part in the software, required with the last science in foundation of the logic model that analysis put forward to proceed the design of the system physics model reasonably in the software, proceeded the reasonable demarcation to the function mold piece of the system; Finally, realizes with circulate the part in the software, with the some medium-sized wine shop in Nan Chang manages the information system for a whole process for, giving out its system circulating, supporting and managing, and put forward the system further perfect suggestion with measure.
Keywords: Hotel, Management Information System, Software Requirements Analysis, Software design
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 IV
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 本文所做的工作 4
1.4 本文的结构安排 4
第二章 酒店管理信息系统需求分析 5
2.1 酒店管理系统业务流程 5
2.2 酒店账户信息及其管理 7
2.3 酒店财务信息及其管理 8
2.4 酒店内部信息及其管理 11
2.5 酒店管理信息系统功能需求分析 12
2.5.1 预订、接待、结账收银管理 12
2.5.2 夜审 17
2.5.3 客房管理 17
2.5.4 电话自动计费 18
2.5.5 经理查询 18
2.5.6 系统维护 19
2.5.7 财务管理 19
2.5.8 固定资产管理 21
2.5.9 采购管理 21
2.5.10 库存管理 23
2.5.11 人事、工资管理 23
第三章 酒店管理信息系统设计 25
3.1 系统模块划分 25
3.2 软、硬件结构与计算机处理流程 26
3.2.1 软件结构 26
3.2.2 硬件结构 27
3.2.3 计算机处理流程 27
3.3 酒店管理信息系统功能设计 28
3.3.1 预订功能设计 28
3.3.2 接待功能设计 30
3.3.3 客账处理功能设计 33
3.3.4 夜间稽核功能设计 35
3.3.5 客房管理功能设计 36
3.3.6 销售管理功能设计 36
3.3.7 餐饮收款功能设计 37
3.3.8 多媒体点菜系统功能设计 39
第四章 系统实现与运行分析 40
4.1 酒店简介 40
4.2 系统软硬件环境 41
4.3 预订和接待子系统运行分析 41
4.4 实际运行评价 55
第五章 结 束 语 57
参 考 文 献 58
致 谢 60
  • 硕士论文--酒店管理信息系统的分析与设计
    • Microsoft Word文档硕士学位论文--酒店管理信息系统的分析与设计.doc  [677.00KB]
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