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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:计算机
  • 适用专业:VB
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:yueshouchun
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:487.28KB
  • 上传时间:2011-2-21 16:34:32
  • 下载次数:2
  • 浏览次数:185

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


摘 要

Now science and technology, information technology and network technology, rapid development and wide application of the community's political, economic, military and cultural fields, more and more profound impact. Educational institutions throughout the country also developed a number of management system software, class management system for students is one of them. Its application for the entire school day-to-day management of the classes and students information fast query, summary, analysis and so on, has played a vital role in enhancing the efficiency of school management and efficiency to adapt to the social development.
VB-based classes of secondary school students fenghe Management System Design and Implementation of the realization of the objectives is the use of modern information processing technology to improve the overall management level, management efficiency and line times. In this paper, the design is divided into the following main parts: the first part of the Introduction, the second part of needs analysis, a summary of the third part of the system design, detailed design of the fourth part of the system, the fifth part of the database backup, the sixth part of system testing.
In this paper, by using VB6.0 Object-oriented programming environment developed a class of secondary school students fenghe management systems and the realization of the use of software engineering project design thinking, life-cycle methodology, based on the relationship between the model 3NF database table design, with modular method of design the system at various levels of decomposition of various functional modules and the specific requirements of the system and the need to achieve the function of the detailed design to define the specific functions of each module to achieve a C / S mode. Key words: class management, database technology, data statements, VB6.0

目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 开发工具的选择 2
1.1.1 Visual Basic6.0开发平台和技术简介 2
1.2 数据库设计平台介绍 2
1.2.1 SQL2000介绍 2
1.2.2 SQL2000的优势 3
第2章 系统的可行性研究及需求分析 5
2.1 技术上的可行性 5
2.2 经济上的可行性 5
2.3 法律可行性 5
2.4 系统运行可行性 5
2.5 用户需求 6
2.6 技术需求 6
2.7 数据的性能需求 6
第3章 系统的概要设计 7
3.1 系统的功能设计 7
3.1.1 用户管理模块 7
3.1.2 学生档案管理模块 7
3.1.3 学生评语管理模块 7
3.1.4 学生家长管理模块 7
3.1.5 班级课程管理模块 7
3.1.6 学生成绩管理模块 7
3.1.7 学生转校管理模块 7
3.1.8 班级学生奖惩管理模块 8
3.2 系统流程图 8
3.3 数据流程分析 8
3.4 数据字典 10
第4章 系统的详细设计 11
4.1 数据库介绍 11
4.2 数据库概念结构设计 11
4.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 14
4.4 系统模块功能介绍 17
4.4.1 系统主界面 17
4.4.2 系统用户登录界面 17
4.4.3 学生基本信息界面 18
4.4.4 学生信息查询界面 19
4.4.5 学生成绩查询界面 19
4.4.6 学生奖惩应用界面 19
第5章 数据库的安全 21
5.1 数据库备份和恢复策略 21
5.1.1 利用数据库本身提供技术 21
5.1.2 利用数据库附加数据库技术 21
5.1.3 利用复制数据库数据文件技术 22
第6章 系统软件测试 23
6.1 集成测试 23
6.2 功能测试 23
6.3 链接测试 23
6.4 安全测试 23
6.5 测试结论 23
第7章 结论 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27
附录 28

  • 毕业设计论文-基于VB的丰禾中学学生班级管理系统设计与实现
    • Microsoft Word文档毕业设计论文-基于VB的丰禾中学学生班级管理系统设计与实现.doc  [785.50KB]
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