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大 学 英 语 2

(一)、choose the best answer:
1) I’m looking forward to ____ the party next Friday.
a. attend b. being attended c. attending d. be attending
2) I’ll tell him what needs ______.
a. to repair b. repaired c. to be repaired d. being repaired
3) I can’t understand why he avoided _____ to me.
a. to speak b. being spoken c. to be spoken d. speaking
4) He objects to _____ like this.
a. treating b. being treated c. be treated d. have been treated
Fill in each blank by choosing one of the four choices given.
We arranged that Kissinger would fly to Vietnam For talks early in July and then stop in Pakistan on the way back. There he would(1) a stomach-ache that would(2) him to stay in bed and not be seen by the (3) .Then, with President Yahya’s cooperation he would be (4) to an airport(5) a Pakistani jet would fly him over the mountains to China.
Kissinger’s trip was (6) the code name Polo(7) Maco Polo. Another Western traveler who(8) history by journeying to China.
英 语 4

一、 选择题:Choose the best answer:
( ) 1. —It’s a top secret.
—Yes, I see. I will keep the secret _____ you and me.
A. with B. around C. among D. between
( ) 2. You can’t do anything else until you your homework..
A. finished B. will finish
C. have finished D. had finished
( ) 3. Send my regards to your lovely wife when you _____ home.
A. wrote B. will write C. have written D. write
( ) 4. It was very kind of you to clean the office, though you
A. needn’t do B. wouldn’t have
C. didn’t have to D. mustn’t have done
( ) 5. I made so many changes in my composition that only I could read it. To _____ else, it was hard to make out.
A. none B. everyone C. someone D. anyone
  • 中南大学网络教育课程考试(专科)大学英语(2-4)复习题及参考答案
    • Microsoft Word文档英语2复习题及参考答案.doc  [127.00KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档英语3复习题及参考答案.doc  [188.00KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档英语4复习题及参考答案.doc  [195.50KB]
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