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毕业设计 民营企业自主创新与国际化的关系研究 共11页,5110字
摘 要
本文在文献研究的基础上,采用基于样本数据库的实证研究的方法,从自主创新的与国际化的关系的角度引出三个假设,运用SPSS11.5 统计软件对36 个样本进行了以多元回归为主的实证研究。在对结果进行讨论的基础上,本文得到如下结论:第一,自主创新对出口的增长有积极的推动作用。第二,自主创新对进口的增长有积极的作用。第三,自主创新对民营企业对外直接投资的影响有待进一步研究。
关键词: 民营企业,自主创新,国际化,实证研究
Abstract: It is considered that corporate internationalization is a kind of growth strategy by management scholars. Similar with product diversification strategy, internationalization is a strategy of market diversification. Since the 90th of the last century, the private enterprises begin to go into the international market. However, there is the phenominon that most firms go into international market with low cost, OEM and staying in the low position of the international industrial chain, which only depends on location advantages and the manufacturing assembling process competitive advantages, but now this method of internationalization encounters challenges and pressures.
After literature review, this dissertation carries out a kind of empirical research listed company database. The author introduces the relation of the internationalization and self-innovation. Hence,three hypotheses are raised. The author implements empirical research, in which the main statistics analysis is with the SPSS11.5 software. The results indicate some conclusions. Firstly, the selfinnovation has a positive effect to the increase of the export amount. Secondly, the self-innovation
also has a positive effect to the increase of the import amount. Thirdly, the relationship between self-innovation and the foreign direct investment is still to do more research.
This dissertation, which studies the relation between self-innovation and internationalization of the emerges new explanations. In addition, this dissertation introduces some instructive ideas for the practice of the internationalization to the private enterprise.
Key words: private enterprise,self-innovation, internationalization, empirical research
  • 毕业设计-民营企业自主创新与国际化的关系研究
    • 河南理工大学经济管理学院07届国贸专业毕业论文
      • Microsoft Word文档民营企业自主创新与国际化的关系研究.doc  [127.00KB]
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