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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:PLC
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:遥控器太脆了
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  • 上传时间:2009-3-28 16:32:40
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毕业设计 基于PLC交通信号灯控制 共43页,18197字
摘 要
关键词:交通; 智能控制; PLC
The munipal transportation signal control is through the adjustment,the waning and the induction which flows to the transporation achieved improves the person and the cargo safe transportation, enhancig the operation efficiency. Transport system is a random nature, ambiguity and uncertainty of complex systems, the establishment of mathematical models very difficult and sometimes impossble to use existing mathematical methods described. the most adaptive signal control is used,it needs mathematical model,without considering traffic delays,And vague control is a mathematical model to control methods, it can imitate experienced police directingtraffic,ideas, achieve good control results. In recent years many of our scholars have different ideas of individual junction, traffic control Route vague studied, but the limitations of the theory and research scholars, the few practical applications, based on this achievement traffic signals vague PLC control system.
According to determine signal distribution and flow of the control system vague theoretical resesrch results, the achievement of individual intersections with traffic lights blur PLC control methods for individual crossroads 4 phase of traffic lights, for example,the PLC as an ambiguous signal controllers using Ladder programming. through experiments that the reliable operation of the system to a vague under different traffic control decision-making, optimize signal distribution, which can effectively solve traffic imbalance,instability brought.
Keywords:Transportation; Intelligent control; PLC
目 录
摘 要1
Abstract 2
目 录 3
1 绪论 3
1.1 城市交通现状 3
1.2 智能交通的国内外发展状况 4
1.3 交通信号灯控制的研究现状 6
1.4 本文的主要工作 8
2 十字路口信号控制的基本理论和方法 8
2.1 交通信号灯 9
2.2 信号灯的设置 9
2.3 交通信号的控制方式 10
2.4 城市道路智能交通信号控制系统 11
2.4.1 智能交通信号控制系统的基本组成 11
2.4.2 交通信号控制系统的主要术语和参数 12
2.4.3 智能交通信号控制的核心 15
2.4.4 智能交通信号控制系统的基本设计步骤 15
3 模糊控制 16
3.1 控制理论的发展与模糊控制理论的提出 16
3.2 模糊控制的一般原则及与传统控制的关系 18
3.3 十字路口{学}交通灯的控制策略 20
3.4 交叉口停车线的设计 25
4 基于PLC的模糊控制系统的设计实现 28
4.1 可编程控制器 28
4.2 硬件电路 30
4.3 PLC的编程设计 34
4.5 软、硬件的调试 38
4.6 系统的性能 40
5 结论 41
致谢 42
参考文献 43
  • 毕业设计-基于PLC交通信号灯控制
    • Microsoft Word文档基于PLC交通信号灯控制.doc  [912.00KB]
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