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  • 资源类别:试卷
  • 资源分类:文化课
  • 适用专业:高级英语
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:燕子飞不动
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:25.51KB
  • 上传时间:2010-3-20 9:27:22
  • 下载次数:1
  • 浏览次数:141

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

I. Fill in the blanks (1-10) with the appropriate forms of the given words and phrases in the table below. Fill in the blanks (11-15) with the proper forms of the words in the brackets. (15%)
at one’s disposal to no avail in the vicinity of look up to act as
a battery of oblivious of speak volumes in lieu of follow suit
1. Her oddness ____________ about her personality.
2. People who live _________ airports have become increasingly concerned about potential health effects from aircraft noise.
3. Having a powerful computer _________, John might easily be content with this gain in performance.
4. WWI ________ a catalytic agent in the breakdown of the Victorian social structure.
5. The two little girls sped toward the foot of the mountain, seemingly ______ the danger.
6. There are very few popular stars that I ________.
7. They tried their hardest to save him from his folly, but _______.
8. The two parties made it clear that they would not _______ unless the Centre reduced its tax component.
9. The teacher was showered with ________ questions from his students.
10. The dentist has been keeping his personal records_______ official statistics.
11. Its managers and workers created an economic marvel ______in modern history. (parallel)
12. On a more _______ note, 74 percent of teens think it is essential to obey “all laws,” and 90 percent said it is “never okay” to cheat on one’s income tax. (reassure)
13. Bad blood ______ makes you feel cold. (circulate)
14. This journalist sees a deeper _________in the rude behavior, the violence, the delinquency of the youth. (significant)
15. A serious fire has broken out in an exhibition hall off Moscow’s Red Square, and soon this historic building was ________in flames. (gulf)
  • 四川外语学院2005-2006学年第二学期《高级英语》期末考试试卷(A)
    • Microsoft Word文档四川外语学院2005-2006学年第二学期期末题A及答案.doc  [93.00KB]
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