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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:生物农医
  • 适用专业:生物工程
  • 适用年级:高职
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  • 上传时间:2009-5-7 19:42:55
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毕业论文 番茄花柄外植体脱落过程几种主要酶的同工酶及蛋白质电泳分析 共16页、12501字
摘 要
1.番茄花柄外植体脱落最密切的同工酶是POD及EST同工酶。Rf=0.8744 Rf=0.8558及Rf=0.9023这三种EST同工酶均于脱落密切相关;。花柄外植体的离区、远轴端及近轴端的POD同工酶表达存在明显不同,特别是Rf=4045与Rf=0.6673、Rf=0.6742三种同工酶的表达不同;花柄外植体中不同部位的SOD同工酶的表达强度不同,其中远轴端的Rf=0.545同工酶较强;而Rf=0.9366 CAT同工酶在离区及近轴端的表达强于远轴端。
关键词:同工酶; 外植体 ;离区
In this study, we used the tomato ‘liao yuan duo li’ as the experiment materials. The plant was cultivated in greenhouse and managed as the normal level. It is sampled when the plant blooms. Before treatment, the floral parts are removed. Those pedicel explants are treated with 20μl•L-1 or 30μl•L-1 ethylene, and the treatment in air is used as control. After treatments, we divided Tomato Pedicel Explants into three parts, the Distal (D), Abscission Zone (AZ), and Proximal (P). POD, SOD, EST and CAT Isozymes PAGE of samples from above 3 positions during the abscission are conducted respectively. The results showed that:
1. The POD isozymes of tomato pedicel explants have relations with abscission. Expression of Rf=0.4045, Rf=0.6637, and Rf=0.6742 POD isozymes change obviously during abscission. EST isozymes of Rf=0.8558, Rf=0.8744 and Rf=0.9023 show the marked relation with the abscission. However, SOD isozymes exhibit difference only among different positions in tomato pedicel explants. SOD isozyme of Rf= 0.4045 is more intensive in the Proximal side than in the other positions. But the Rf= 0.9366 CAT isozyme of Abscission Zone and Proximal express stronger than the Distal side.
2. It is resulted that ethylene concentrations have no manifest effect on the expression of POD isozymes in the course of abscission.
3. In the course of abscission, the new a kind of polypeptide molecule that can be drawn by acetone is expressed. And the molecular quality is proximately 74 Kd. But because our experiment skill is not very good, the proteins of Pedicel Explants are not extracted overall. So we can’t present the Zymogram of the total proteins electrophoresis.
Keywords: Isozymes; Pedicel Explants ;Abscission Zone
  • 毕业论文-番茄花柄外植体脱落过程几种主要酶的同工酶及蛋白质电泳分析
    • Microsoft Word文档论文:番茄花柄外植体脱落过程几种主要酶的同工酶及蛋白质电泳分析.doc  [180.00KB]
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