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四川外语学院成都学院2007~2008学年第一学期英语旅游系2005 级《旅游英语》期末专科考试题
I. Complete the following words by choosing the correct answers bellow (20 points )
1. sn ck A. o B. a C. u D. i
2. inst nct A. i B. e C. a D. k
3. reg ter A. ee B. ei C. ia D. is
4. hib rnate A. or B. ir C. ar D. er
5. inbr ding A. ea B. ee C. e D. i
6. c xit A. or B. oa C.oe D. o
7.souven s A. ir B. ie C. or D. er
8. embroid y A. ar B. ir C. er D. or
9. cense A. en B. in C. on D. im
10. archit ture A.ic B. ac C. ik D. ec
11. bibisc s A. i B. e C. u D. o
12. tabl t A. e B. i C. o D. y
13. spi way A. ll B. l C. o D. e
14. exce ive A. rr B. cc C. er D. ss
15. carb nate A. or B. o C. ar D. oe
16. bud ism A. h B.d C. dh D. dd
17. calcar us A. eo B. er C. ur D. or
18. Exc vation A. e B. i C. o D. a
19. socer A. or B. ir C. er D. ar
20. sacr ficial A. a B. i C. o D. e
II. Read the following passages and find the best answer to each of the questions bellow. (10 points)
Astrology has a long history in China and is integrated with religious beliefs. As in the Western system of astrology, there are 12 zodiacal signs. The animals in order are the mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, house, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. However, unlike the Western system, your sign is based on the year rather than the month in which you were born. Still, this is a simplification. The exact day and time of birth is also carefully considered in charting an astrological path.
Many Chinese people strongly believe that the time of a person’s birth is the primary factor in determining that person’s personality. Many
  • 四川外语学院成都学院2007~2008学年第一学期英语旅游系2005 级《旅游英语》期末专科考试题
    • Microsoft Word文档旅游英语试卷.doc  [37.00KB]
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