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  • 资源类别:试卷
  • 资源分类:餐旅服务
  • 适用专业:酒店英语
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:joe的宠物
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:43.39KB
  • 上传时间:2009-2-14 7:36:48
  • 下载次数:2
  • 浏览次数:369

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

Eating out is one of the joys in the USA. The food is usually good and often excellent; the prices are reasonable; and the service is mostly fine.
Choosing a Restaurant
Some restaurants are open for breakfast; others are open twenty-four hours a day. A number of restaurants call themselves "family restaurants". Many of these serve no alcohol and have fairly restricted menus which include steaks, hamburgers, omelet’s and sandwiches, and all are at very reasonable prices. They may also serve smaller and cheaper children’s portions. Note that many American restaurants are "specialty" restaurants. They may serve only, or mainly, steaks, seafood, etc.
When to Eat
Many restaurants, especially the more expensive ones, open at about 11:30 a.m. (midday, rather than 1 p.m. , is the most normal time for lunch in the USA), and some remain open until the evening, so it is possible to order a meal throughout the afternoon.
Reserving a Table
Eating out is rather popular in the USA. And it is often necessary to make a reservation. You will sometimes see short queues of people waiting for tables at restaurants----it’s more pleasant to wait in the bar, of course, if there is one.
  • 重庆工商职业学院2007~2008学年第二学期期末考试《酒店英语》试题
    • Microsoft Word文档酒店英语课程 A卷答案.doc  [45.00KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档酒店英语课程 B卷答案.doc  [42.50KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档酒店英语课程考试题A卷.doc  [61.50KB]
    • Microsoft Word文档酒店英语课程考试题B卷.doc  [64.50KB]
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