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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:建筑化工
  • 适用专业:化工设备
  • 适用年级:高职
  • 上传用户:樱桃果仁
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:735.12KB
  • 上传时间:2010-2-16 0:53:19
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:88

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课程设计 DN 1200氧化反应器结构设计 共15页,7428字。
摘 要 :化学反应器是化工生产过程中一系列设备中的核心设备。化工生产的工艺过程决定了反应器的结构型式,反应器的结构型式对工艺过程又有一个促进和完善的作用,同时反应器的结构型式在某种程度上也决定着产品的质量和性能。因此,化学反应器的选型、设计计算和选择最优化的操作条件是化工生产中极为重要的课题。本课题根据已知的均四甲苯催化氧化法制取均酐的最佳工艺参数,对其核心设备氧化反应器进行了结构选型和较为详细的结构设计计算,并对反应器的制造工艺进行了详细的说明。最终确定的反应器设备在满足结构合理性的基础上,实现了温度分布、浓度分布及反应时间等化工工艺参数的控制要求,使得产品质量和性能得以保证。
Structural design of oxide reactor for DN1200
Abstract :Chemical Reactors is the core equipment of a series of equipment in the course of chemical production. The chemical production process determines the structure of the reactor, the structure of the reactor also have a role of promoting and improving the process,at the same time the structure of the reactor to some extent also determines the quality and performance of products. Therefore, the selection of chemical reactors, design calculations and choosing the most optimal operating conditions are extremely important subject in chemical production. This topic made a selection and a more detailed design calculation for the Oxide reactor according to the known technical parameters, which is the core equipment for sym-Tetramethyl benzene catalyzed oxidated to Pyromellitic Dianhydride, and made a detailed description about the manufacturing process of the reactor. On the basis of the rational structure, the reactor meets the control requirements of chemical processing parameters including the distribution of temperature, the distribution of concentration and the reaction time, that makes the quality and performance of products be ensured.
Key words: Reactor; Structural design; Tube fixed-bed reactor ; Equipments for Pyromellitic Dianhy
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  • 课程设计-DN 1200氧化反应器结构设计
    • Microsoft Word文档DN1200氧化反应器结构设计.doc  [1.19MB]
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