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徐州师范大学外国语学院学士学位论文 On Affective Factors of Language Learning,共10页,3234字。
1. Introduction
In the process of learning language, many aspects will affect how much the learners master, including their cognitive and affective factors. As we know, there are individual differences for different learners, while the most important difference in all the individual differences is the affective difference. Human beings are emotional creatures, they do not take in everything they hear or see, their emotional states and other affective factors filter what they take in. According to the creative construction model of Burt and Dulay, the affective filter screens incoming language data and constitutes the first main hurdle that incoming language data must encounter before they are processed future. That is to say, the affective variations are the internal factors, so they play an very important part in learning language. It is, therefore, necessary to look at the affective domain for some of the most significant answers to language learning.
Since 1970s, affective factors in foreign language learning have gained much attention. Many researchers have realized that the success of foreign language learning depends largely on language learners themselves, and their attention has shifted from teachers to learners ever since. With the development of humanistic psychology, humanists argue that the cognitive side of language learning should be combined with the affective side of language learning so as to promote man’s all-round development. However, the functions of affective factors are always neglected in present language learning and teaching. It is also a case in English teaching in China. Krashen, a famous expert in the field of linguistics in University of Southern California, specializing in theories of language acquisition and development, he has developed theory of second language acquisition which has influenced many Chinese English teachers in many aspects. The most influential one is the affective filter hypothesis. According to him, a number of “affective variables” play a facilitative, but non-casual role in second language acquisition. These variables include: motivation, self-confidence and anxiety. Krashen claims that learners with high motivation, self-confidence, a good self-image, and a low level of anxiety are better equipped for success in second language acquisition. In order to make the English teaching develop more smoothly and ideally, the English teachers have to focus on the affective factors in the English teaching and are hoped to take actions into practice to enhance the quality of English language teaching.
  • 徐州师范大学外国语学院学士学位论文-On Affective Factors of Language Learning
    • Microsoft Word文档徐州师范大学2005届英语师范专业学士学位毕业论文.doc  [66.00KB]
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