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  • 资源分类:文化课
  • 适用专业:英语
  • 适用年级:中职
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  • 上传时间:2017/11/26 21:50:19
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教案:Lesson 1 What do you usually do at school?
Greeting (组织课堂)
The Aims(学习目标):
1. Repeat and write the new words correctly.
2. Use the correct words in spoken English.
Main Task(主要任务):
Jack周末回家,妈妈询问他在学校的生活情况。完成 Jack 和妈妈的对话。 In order to complete this main task,
we need to:
1. Learn some new words.
1) Read the new words correctly.
2) Spell and use the new words. . 2. Improve some language skills.
1)To practice listening to the new words.
2)To use the words in spoken English.
Warm up (导入新课):
Play the videotape.
ake up the new lesson(讲授新课):
Listen and repeat
1.Ask the students to listen to the tape and repeat the words.
2. Ask the students to read the words after the teacher.
3. The students practice reading the words themselves and then have a competition.
Spell and use
1.Ask the students to spell the words and guess the meaning of the words.
2. Ask the students to read and translate the sentences.
  • 《Lesson 1 What do you usually do at school?》教案
    • Microsoft Word文档教案.doc  [66.50KB]
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