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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及其自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+autocad
  • 文件大小:1.29MB
  • 上传时间:2016/6/21 4:04:23
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:3

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


关键词: 轴类零件; 数控加工; 工艺分析; 加工程序

With the rapid development of computer technology, the traditional manufacturing industry began a fundamental change, the industrial developed countries invested heavily in research and development of modern manufacturing technology, and put forward a new manufacturing model. In modern manufacturing system, the numerical control technology is the key technology, which combines microelectronics, computer, information processing, automatic detection, automatic control and other high technology in one, with the characteristics of high precision, high efficiency, flexibility and automation, the manufacturing industry plays a decisive role to realize flexible automation, integrated, intelligent. In this paper, through the analysis of the typical shaft parts of the process, from the drawing analysis, the clamping scheme, processing route, cutting tool selection, cutting parameter selection, machining process and other aspects of the numerical control turning process is described in this paper.
Because the technology of CNC machine tool of comprehensive application of computer, automatic control, servo system, precision detection and a novel mechanical structure and so on, with high flexibility, high precision and high automation features, therefore, by means of NC machining, solves the problem of mechanical manufacturing in the conventional processing technology is difficult to solve the single, even can not be solved small batch processing, especially for complex workpieces, a technology revolution of CNC machining technology is the machinery manufacturing industry, the development of machinery manufacturing has entered a new stage, to improve the manufacturing level of the machinery manufacturing industry, provides the high quality for the society, multi variety and high reliability of mechanical products.
This design is mainly on the numerical control processing technology analysis and the specific parts of the processing, the first on the numerical control processing technology to carry on a simple introduction, and then according to the parts of the numerical control processing analysis.
Key words: Shaft Parts; NC Machining; Process Analysis; Machining Program

目 录
第一章概述 1
1.1 国外数控发展概况 1
1.2 国内发展现状 1
第二章工艺方案分析 3
2.1 零件图及零件图分析 3
2.2 确定加工方法 4
2.3 确定加工方案 4
第三章工件的装夹 5
3.1 定位基准的选择 5
3.2 定位基准选择的原则 5
3.3 确定零件的定位基准 6
3.4 装夹方式的选择 6
3.5 数控车床常用装夹方式 6
3.6 确定合理的装夹方式 7
第四章刀具及切削用量 8
4.1 选择数控刀具的原则 8
4.2 选择数控车削用刀具通用点,刀具,刀具,三种圆弧刀具 8
4.3 设置刀点和换刀点在哪里工具开始移动到指定的位置 8
4.4 确定切削用量 9
第五章典型轴类零件加工 10
5.1 轴类零件加工的工艺分析 10
5.2 典型轴类零件加工工艺 11
5.2.1 根据零件图样要求、毛坯情况,确定工艺方案及加工路线 11
5.2.2 机器设备的选择 12
5.2.3 选择工具 12
5.2.4 确定切削用量 12
5.2.5 确定工件坐标系、刀具和刀具的变化点 12
5.2.6 制备过程(以ck0630车床为例) 12
第六章数控车自动编程软件CAXA介绍 15
6.1 CAXA数控车界面 15
6.2 CAXA数控车进行造型设计 16
6.2.1 CAXA零件造型 16
6.3 CAXA数控车加工-CAM 23
6.3.1 加工工艺的确定 23
6.3.2 加工模型建立 24
6.3.3 刀具轨迹生成 24
6.3.4 刀具轨迹的模拟加工 25
6.3.5 生成后置代码 25
6.3.6 输出加工代码 25
参考文献 27
致谢 28

  • 毕业设计-轴类零件数控加工工艺分析
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