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  • 适用专业:自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
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In digital control system, interference, which is mixed in the input signal, has a great effect on performance of the system. Therefore, processing of input signal has to be done to get useful signal or signal unique. digital filter is including finite impulse response digital (FIR) digital and infinite impulse response (IIR) filter. Among them, in the design of IIR digital filter only considers the characteristic amplitude, not considering the phase characteristic, the designed filter is generally with certain nonlinear phase characteristic, it is difficult to get a strict linear phase characteristic. But FIR filters in the guarantee range characteristics meet the technical requirements at the same time, it is easy to do with strict linear phase characteristic. By comparing two kinds of filter, finite impulse response (FIR) filter in the digital signal processing plays an extremely important role. Moreover, using the Matlab software simulation design of FIR digital filter, which simplifies the tedious calculation in the design .
Signal processing filter design is one of the core issues.?According to the principle of FIR filters is proposed FIR filter window function design method is given in the MATLAB environment, with the window function method for FIR filter design process and design examples.?Through the use of different window functions designed FIR filter, the filter designed to analyze and compare a variety of methods designed to filter obtained the advantages and disadvantages of the use of their different occasions, so you can design a filter to correct?the choice of FIR digital filter function selection window and the design method.
KEY WORDS: FIR digital filter, the window function ,the MATLAB simulation

第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题的依据及意义 1
1.2 FIR滤波器 1
1.3 窗函数 2
1.4 MATLAB结合窗函数设计法原理 2
第二章 数字滤波器的基本理论 6
2.1 数字滤波器简介 6
2.2 IIR数字滤波器 7
2.3 FIR数字滤波器 7
2.3.1 FIR 滤波器的特点 7
2.3.2 FIR滤波器实现基本结构 8
2.3.3 FIR数字滤波器的基本概念 14
2.4 IIR与FIR数字滤波器的比较 15
第三章 FIR 数字滤波器设计方法研究 17
3.1 FIR数字滤波器的设计原理 17
3.2几种常见的窗函数 18
3.2.1矩形窗 18
3.2.2汉宁窗函数 18
3.2.3海明窗函数 19
3.2.4三角窗函数 19
3.2.5 布莱克曼窗 20
3.3各种窗函数的特征 20
3.4 FIR数字滤波器的频率采样法 26
3.5利用窗口设计法设计FIR数字滤波器 26
第四章 FIR 数字滤波器的设计 28
4.1 设计指标的确定 28
4.2 滤波器类型的选择 29
4.3 滤波器阶数和系数的确定 30
4.3.1 kaiserord函数 30
4.3.2 remezord函数 30
第五章 基于Matlab的FIR滤波器设计实例及仿真 32
5.1 FIR滤波器设计要求 32
5.2 设计函数的选取 32
5.3 窗函数构造 33
5.4 设计步骤 35
5.5 设计方法 35
5.5.1 依据设计步骤编写M文件设计 36
5.5.2 利用MATLAB自带函数设计 37
5.5.3利用MATLAB工具箱设计 42
5.6 滤波器滤波性能测试 44
参考文献 46
致 谢 47
毕业设计小结 48

  • 毕业设计-FIR滤波器设计
    • 乔美丽
      • Microsoft Word文档乔美丽外文翻译.doc  [171.00KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档乔美丽毕业论文 .doc  [1.49MB]
      • Microsoft Powerpoint演示文稿乔美丽毕设.ppt  [1.73MB]
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