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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:枼的轨迹
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:236.70KB
  • 上传时间:2013-1-24 23:54:22
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:0

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


摘 要
关键词:白色污染 残膜回收 农用地膜 捡拾机构

Plastic film laying on crop is widely used in china,but most of the used films are left in the fields after harvesting ,and pollution is made both to the soil and environment .the reasons that the used films can not be collected in time are analyzed .countering the local condition of different area ,the different types of collectors are described .measurements and suggestions are given to solve the problem.
Plastic film plant technology can be robbed and improve the output of crops ,but after the crop is reaped ,remain into field mould membrane be removed ,retrieve in time ,so as not to pollute the soil and waste plastics resources .proceed from the angle of pitting is analyzed that the incomplete membrane is polluted and endangered ,produces and uses from the plastic film ,incomplete membrane retrieve and utilize respect explain manage measure and suggestion that film pollutes again.
Develop incomplete membrane retrieve machinery to incomplete membrane effective method of pollution, incomplete regeneration of membrane to protect the environment, turn wealth, prevent and cure incomplete membrane key of pollution.
A plastic film collector was invented with analysis of motional tracks and experiments .The working principle and designing parameters of collector were introduced .Experiments indicated that this machine has some advantages such as high working reliability ,low energy consumption ,and simple structure .Through analyses incomplete membrane person who retrieve get up membrane device ,person who supports membrane ,unload membrane brush ,transmission device ,collect membrane device groundwork part ,retrieve to incomplete membrane machinery total plan of design ,main parameter choosing ,technological process ,etc .carry on detailed analysis.
Practice has proved : In addition machine this have structure to be simple ,work reliable ,common ability characteristic such as being kind also .
Keywords: plastic film playing; used film; collection

摘 要 1
Abstract 2
一 前言 5
二 研究及设计此课程的目的及意义 6
2.1地膜覆盖种植技术发展概况 6
2.2地膜覆盖种植技术带来得负面影响 6
2.3残膜回收的一般方法 6
2.4残膜机收的必要性 6
三 地表残膜回收在国内外研究的状况 8
3.1目前国内残膜回收机现状 8
3.2.国内机具研究的情况 8
3.3 现有的地膜回收机械 12
3.4、综上所述残膜回收技术应用存在的问题 13
3.4.1 头水前揭膜 13
3.4.2 收获后残膜回收 13
3.4.3 春播前拾膜 14
3.5、新疆建设兵团棉花种植情况存在的问题 14
四 方案选择 15
4.⒈技术要求 15
4.⒉机器作业工艺方案 15
五 方案的选择说明 16
5.1收膜工艺 16
5.2各部件的结构特点 16
5.2.1划膜部件 16
5.2.2捡膜部件 16
5.2.3脱卸膜部件分析 17
5.2.4集膜部件分析 17
5.2.5动力分析 17
5.2.6得出方案 17
六 设计的主要参数 19
6.1破膜部件 19
6.2捡膜部件 19
6.2.1圆弧形弹齿滚筒机构的构造及工作原理 19
6.2.2齿间距的选定及实际配齿法 20
6.2.3 结论 20
6.3脱卸膜部件 21
6.3.1脱卸膜部件采用方式 21
6.3.2滚筒直径的选取 22
6.3.3安全系数 22
6.4集膜部件 23
6.5轴的设计计算 23
6.6机架设计 23
6.7直齿圆柱齿轮的计算 23
七 设计评价 26
八 结束语 27
九 参考文献 28
十 致 谢 29

  • 毕业设计-农田地表残膜回收机的设计
    • Microsoft Word文档地表残膜回收机的设计.doc  [1.17MB]
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