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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:电子信息科学与技术
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehi
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:3.35MB
  • 上传时间:2012-7-30 23:56:43
  • 下载次数:0
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安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

论文主要研究了单频网环境和相位噪声对于 DTMB 系统的影响。对单频网的
多径环境进行了建模,提出了三种预测 DTMB 系统下单频网接收机的接受信噪比
门限的方法;对 DTMB 系统下,相位噪声对高阶调制方式 QAM/APSK 的影响进
论文研究相位噪声对于 OFDM 系统的高阶调制方式的影响。论文实测了几款
位噪声的模型、受相位噪声影响的 DTMB 系统的模型,以及引入相位噪声抑制的
1024QAM/APSK)的影响很大;相比于 APSK,QAM 对于相位噪声更加敏感,
受到相位噪声的影响更大,APSK 的各项性能均优于同阶的 QAM 调制;本文所
In this paper, the impacts of the single frequency network (SFN) and the phase
noise on the digital television/terrestrial multimedia broadcasting (DTMB) system are
studied. The model of the multipath channel in SFN is analyzed and presented, and
three different methods to predict the receiving SNR threshold under SFN environment
of the DTMB system are proposed. In the rest section, the influences of the phase
noise on the high order modulation modes such as 64QAM/APSK, 256QAM/APSK
and 1024QAM/APSK are analyzed and some conclusions are drawn.
In the DTMB systems, the SFNs have many excellent features with more
coverage, less interference, better spectral efficiency, less power-consuming, and
higher reliability compared to multiple frequency networks (MFNs). Hence the SFNs
are widely adopted in DTMB systems. The paper summarizes the characteristics of the
SFN and studies the corresponding multipath effects. The platform to imitate the SFN
and measure the receiving quality in the laboratory is presented as well as the testing
methods and procedures. The measuring results are studied, modeled and analyzed
theoretically and the simplified models are given for practical applications.
Three different methods are proposed to predict the receiving SNR threshold
based on the channel capacity, their theoretical basis, derivation and prediction results
are presented. Their complexity and accuracy are compared.
The phase noise of some commercial high frequency heads is also measured to
direct the theoretical research. Besides, in this paper the phase noise model, the
simplified DTMB system influenced by the phase noise and the phase noise
suppression method are systematically studied. The phase noise suppression method
based on the transmission parameter signaling (TPS) design is adopted, and the
simulation platform was set up to investigate the impact of the phase noise on the high
order modulation. As a result, the phase noise has a significant influence on the system
performance of high order modulation, the APSK shows better performance than the
QAM with the same order and the QAM are more sensitive to the phase noise. The
proposed phase noise suppression method and the estimated parameters can work well
to improve the system performance.
Key Words:DTMB;SFN;multipath;QAM/APSK;phase noise suppression
目 录
第 1 章
引 言 . 1
课题背景以及目的意义 .. 1
单频网简介 ... 1
相位噪声简介 ... 2
目的和意义 ... 3
第 2 章
论文内容安排 .. 3
实验室单频网模型搭建及测试 ... 4
测试平台搭建 .. 4
测试框图和设备清单 ... 4
测试方法说明 ... 5
主观判别依据 ... 6
测量结果分析 .. 6
两径信道下的数据总结 ... 6
三径信道下的数据总结 ... 7
第 3 章
本章小结 .. 7
信道建模与分析简化 ... 8
两径信道 .. 8
数据分析 ... 8
理论分析 ... 9
模型简化 . 10
拟合结果汇总 . 12
建模结论 . 14
三径信道 14
理论分析 . 14
模型简化 . 15
数据拟合和公式选择 . 15
拟合结果汇总 . 17
建模结论 . 18
第 4 章
本章小结 18
基于信道容量分析的信噪比门限预测方法: . 19
反函数法 19
理论依据 . 19
具体步骤 . 19
结果验证 . 21
求根法 26
理论依据 . 26
推导方案 . 26
结果验证 . 27
混合法 32
理论依据 . 32
推导方案 . 33
结果验证 . 34
第 5 章
本章小结 39
相位噪声对高阶调制方式的影响分析 . 40
背景简介 40
相位噪声模型 . 40
QAM 和 APSK 简介... 41
有相位噪声的 DTMB 系统模型 43
基于 TPS 的相位噪声抑制方法 ... 46
相位噪声抑制简介 . 46
系统模型及补偿方法 . 46
仿真过程 49
仿真平台简介 . 49
仿真平台的结构 . 49
参数讨论 . 52
仿真结果 . 53
结果分析 . 55
实测几款高频头的相位噪声 56
测试的内容和框图 . 56
测试结果 . 57
第 6 章
本章小结 61
结 论 ... 62
论文工作 62
进一步工作 62
插图索引 .. 63
表格索引 .. 65
参考文献 .. 66
致谢 .. 68
声明 ..
附录 A 调研报告... 70
在学期间参加课题的研究成果 .. 74
  • 毕业论文-单频网环境和相位噪声对DTMB系统性能影响研究
    • Microsoft Word文档毕业论文-单频网环境和相位噪声对DTMB系统性能影响研究.doc  [8.32MB]
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