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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:单片机
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+autocad
  • 文件大小:413.22KB
  • 上传时间:2012-5-30 23:19:59
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安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

Based on SCM electrohydraulic proportional control system design
Student:Liu Xin
Tutor:Cai Peizhong
(Oriental Science & Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of micro-electronics, intellectual technology, sensing and detection technology and the continuous penetration of them into the field of engineering mechanisms, modern engineering mechanism is in a new age of the integration of mechanism, electrics and hydraulic pressure. Electro-hydraulic proportional control system has a lot of advantages,such as the high control accuracy, the flexible installation and use, the strong resistance on contamination and so on ,so that the application of electro-hydraulic proportional control system has increasingly broadened. The Electro-Hydraulic proportional control system that based on C8051F040 controller in this paper has higher stability and dependability and real-time responsive capacity, compared to that based on traditional singlechips. Therefore, it can adapt to the application environment of the modern engineering mechanism better than other control systems in our country.Firstly, it is described the development history, basic principle and the classification of the Electro-hydraulic proportional control system in this paper.Secondly, this paper introduces the function of the whole control system and the basic hardware structure which is based on the C8051F040 controller in detail.Then, this paper elaborates the principle and the design process of the driver of the electro-hydraulic proportional control system which is consisted of the motor-driven chip LMD18200.At the last of this paper, it discusses the design of the program of the whole electro-Hydraulic proportional control system.
Key Words: Electro-hydraulic proportional control, C8051F, LMD18200, PID
目 录
1 前言...3
1.1 课题背景及目的 ..3
1.2 国内外电液控制研究状况 ..3
1.3 控制器概述.......4
1.4 设计过程.5
1.5 本文的组成.......5
2 电液比例控制技术.......5
2.1 概述.....6
2.2 电液比例控制技术的发展历史.......7
2.3 电液比例控制的特点.......8
2.4 电液比例控制系统的分类...8
2.5 电液比例控制系统的未来发展趋势...9
3 控制系统硬件结构......10
3.1 控制系统功能概述10
3.1.1 硬件电路设计思路..11
3.1.2 控制系统框图......11
3.2 主制器C8051F040的介绍..11
3.2.1 C8051F040概述....11
3.2.2 C8051F040的组成及特性....12
3.3 选型依据14
3.4 数字量输入输出模块......14
3.5 中断管理模块....15
3.6 串行通信模块....16
3.7 电源块..17
3.8 硬件抗干扰措施..18
4 电液比例阀驱动电路的设计......19
4.1 电液比例阀的简介19
4.2 设计思路19
4.3 方案实现20
4.3.1 LMD18200概述.....20
4.3.2 LMD18200主要特性及引脚说明.......20
4.3.3 LMD18200与C8051F040的连接.......22
5 系统软件设计..23
5.1 控制算法23
5.1.1 PID介绍..23
5.1.2 PID程序设计......24
5.2 主控制器程序设计26
5.3 中断程序设计....27
5.4 数字量输入输出模块设计..28
5.5 软件抗干扰措施..29
附录A 系统程序
附录B 系统硬件原理方框图
附录C 系统程序图
  • 毕业设计-基于单片机的电液比例控制系统设计
    • 65-基于单片机的电液比例控制系统设计
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      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件电液比例阀驱动电路图.dwg  [51.56KB]
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