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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:计算机
  • 适用专业:程序设计
  • 适用年级:硕士
  • 上传用户:kinds2004
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:2.10MB
  • 上传时间:2012-5-24 15:03:30
  • 下载次数:0
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安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

摘 要
本文基于Windows Mobile操作系统的手持终端设备上进行开发,设计并实现了一套手持式电子订会终端管理系统。重点实现了基础数据本地化信息同步、数据同步上传管理、客户订货管理、客户订单管理等方面的内容。重点解决了GSM/GPRS与后台服务系统之间的远程通信、一维或二维条码实时扫描的技术难题。该管理系统解决了近年来一直制约着订货会效率瓶颈问题,将理论运用于实际项目当中,并取得了预期效果。
关键词: 电子订货会;手持终端设备;管理信息系统
With the development of science and technology, mobile communication technology develops more and more quickly. In this condition, mobile communication technology which only serviced as call before could not satisfy the needs of people any more. Thus, people begin to seek for new fields for it. The technology of Mobile intelligent device development and application are incorporated into lots of domains, such as mobile commerce, mobile affairs etc.
Mobile commerce is one of E-commerce patterns. People who participate in it can access to real-time business information anywhere and anytime. Mobile commerce is based on the application of mobile communication technology and the use of mobile terminal for information exchange. Because of the timeliness of mobile communication, mobile business users can accurately communicate with objects in first time, and exchange information with business information data center via mobile communications, which is helpful to slip the leash of fixed equipment and network environment, and maximize galloping across the free commercial space. Application development, based on mobile platform, gradually has won more and more market demands.
In recent years, Competition in clothing and leather goods industries is growing fiercer, in order to control the inventory, make a good order is the key. How to get a good quality and right amount goods are what the clothing company and dealer concern about. As an important marketing methods,order-placing meeting has attached great importance among many brand operators. Different types of software systems were emerged in recent years to cope with the unique needs of ordering management. As it were, these software satisfied the requirements of the ordering management system but didn’t resolve the efficiency and accuracy problems effectively until now.
Based on the Windows Mobile operating system on handheld terminal equipment, this paper will develop, design and implement a set of handheld electronic terminals ordering management system which realized the projects of basic data synchronization, data synchronization upload management, customer order management, customer order management and so on. What’s more, the technique problems of the GSM / GPRS systems and back-office services for remote communication, real-time one-dimensional or two-dimensional bar code scanning technology will be mainly solved in this paper with the new system. Above all, handheld electronic terminals ordering management system has solved the efficiency problem of the order-placing meeting and has achieved expected effect after applied it into practical project.
Key words: Electronic ordering; Handheld devices; Management Information System
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究现状及存在的问题 2
1.3 主要研究内容及特色 4
1.4 本文结构安排 5
第二章 开发背景介绍 6
2.1 Windows Mobile操作系统 6
2.2 Microsoft .NET Compact Framwork概述 10
2.3 SQLite 数据库简介 11
2.4 GPRS通信技术 13
2.5 本章小结 16
第三章 电子订货会手持终端管理系统的需求分析 17
3.1 功能性需求分析 17
3.2 非功能性能需求分析 23
3.3 本章小结 26
第四章 电子订货会手持终端管理系统的详细设计 27
4.1 系统总体架构设计 27
4.2 系统主要功能设计 30
4.3 数据库设计 35
4.4 系统关键业务代码设计 39
4.5 系统关键技术解决方案 41
4.6 系统安全设计 53
4.7 本章小结 53
第五章 电子订货会手持终端管理系统的应用 54
5.1 系统建设环境 54
5.2 系统实现界面展示 54
5.3 本章小结 61
第六章 电子订货会手持终端管理系统的集成测试 62
6.1 测试环境 62
6.2 测试目标 63
6.3 功能测试 64
6.4 性能测试 70
6.5 本章小结 73
第七章 总结与展望 74
7.1 本文总结 74
7.2 未来工作展望 75
参考文献 76
致 谢 78
  • 硕士论文-电子订货会手持终端管理系统的设计与实现
    • Microsoft Word文档硕士论文-电子订货会手持终端管理系统的设计与实现.doc  [2.81MB]
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