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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+autocad
  • 文件大小:878.30KB
  • 上传时间:2012-5-22 23:11:34
  • 下载次数:0
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安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

关键词:搅拌机; 机械; 淀粉加工
Design of Paddle Mixer
Student: Wu Xiong-hui
Tutor: Tang Chu-zhou
( Oriental College of Science & technology, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China)
Abstract: The mixer is an extremely widespread kind of general equipment in the industry and agriculture production, especially playing the vital role in the agricultural product and food processing industry. At present there are many types and specifications of the mixers in the industry and agriculture production, but there is no suitable small product which stirring the starch for smaller factory to use. This paper designs one smaller kind of mixer that can be able to adapt in the agitating starch, the design of the mixer is vertical and the blades are straight form. The mixer has following characteristics, the structure is simple and easy to make, the mix effect is well, the partial shear action is enough, not easy to have the emulsification, the serviceability is broad. The smaller mixer can meet the needs in the present energy society, there is a positive significance in this mixer such as advocating the new craft, regarding important technology content, using specialization machinery and for production enterprises expands the food markets, improves the quality and reduce consumption and increase efficiency
Key words: mixer; machinery; starch processing
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
2 整体方案的确定 2
3 电动机的选择 4
3.1 机相关功率的计算 4
3.2 动机类型的选择 4
3.3电动机结构型式的选择 5
3.3.1 装型式的选择 5
3.3.2 防护型式的选择 5
3.4 电动机型号的选择 5
4 联轴器的选择 5
4.1 联轴器类型及型号的选择 5
5 传动装置的设计 6
5.1 传动参数设计.....7
5.1.1 计算总传动比.....7
5.1.2 合理分配各级传动比 7
5.1.3 传动各轴转速、输入功率、输入转矩 8
5.2 传动件的结构设计及工作能力计算 8
5.2.1 齿轮 8
5.3 主要轴的设计计算 18
5.3.1 低速轴的设计及相关计算.....18
5.3.2 高速轴的设计及相关计算 26
5.4 键联接的选择及校核计算要求 32
5.5 润滑与密封 33
6 搅拌分析和计算 33
6.1搅拌器的构造 33
6.2 搅拌机功率的计算 33
7 升降机构设计 34
7.1 手动升降桶的手摇机构行星齿轮结构设计 34
7.2 导轨的设计 34
7.2.1升降行程 34
7.2.2 提高导轨耐磨性的措施 34
8 控制电路设计 35
9 结论 35
参考文献 36
致谢 37
  • 毕业设计-桨叶式搅拌机设计
    • 42-桨叶式搅拌机设计
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件八阵图.dwg  [508.50KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档桨叶式搅拌机.doc  [1.43MB]
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