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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:电子与通信工程
  • 适用年级:研究生
  • 上传用户:00梦幻00天使00
  • 文件格式:nh
  • 文件大小:3.61MB
  • 上传时间:2012-4-23 23:51:34
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:2

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【摘要】 高压电源是雷达发射机的重要组成部分,它为发射机微波管提供阴极或收集极等电源,它的体积和性能决定了发射机的性能。本文研究的高压电源应用了新的数字控制技术,能够消除模拟控制电路温漂带来的不利影响,提高控制性能,完善保护功能,增强可靠性,便于维护和升级。本电源是一种数字化高压直流开关稳压电源,研究了移相全桥ZVS-PWM的工作原理、运行模式和优化模型,探讨了雷达发射机高压电源的数字化控制方法。在研究中利用了软开关技术以提高电源逆变器的转换效率,采用移相全桥控制脉宽调制技术(PSC FB ZVS-PWM)实现功率开关器件的零电压软开关。并且给出了移相全桥ZVS-PWM功率转换电路的关键元件的设计方法。最后,本文还对该电源在低温低气压环境试验的所出现问题给出解决方法。为数字化雷达发射机系统进入实战应用做好理论和实践准备。
【Abstract】 The high-voltage power supply is the important component of the radar transmitter, it provides power sources and so on negative pole or collecting electrode for the transmitter microwave tube, its volume and performance have decided transmitter’s performance. This article studies the high-voltage power supply has applied the new digital control technology, can eliminate the influence which the analogue control electric circuit floats warm brings, increases the control precision, consummates the protection function, the enhancement reliability, is advantageous for the debugging and the promotion.This power supply is one kind of digitized high voltage DC switching voltage-stabilized source, has studied the phase shifting full bridge ZVS-PWM principle of work, the movement pattern and the optimized model, has discussed the radar transmitter high-voltage power supply’s digital control method. Used the soft switch technology in the research to raise the transfer efficiency of the power supply invertors, used the phase shifting full bridge control pulse-duration modulation technology (PSC FB ZVS-PWM) to realize the power switching component’s zero potential soft switch. And it has given the design method of the essential part in the phase shifting full bridge ZVS-PWM power conversion electric circuit.Finally, this article also has the problem to this power supply in the low temperature and low atmospheric pressure environmental testing to give the solution. Enters the actual combat for the digitization radar transmitter system to apply prepares for the theory and practice.
【关键词】 高压电源(HVPS); 雷达发射机; 数字控制; 移相全桥ZVS-PWM;
【Key words】 High-voltage power supply(HVPS); Radar transmitter; Digital control; PSC FB ZVS-PWM;
  • 硕士论文-基于复杂可编程器件的数字化高压电源设计
    • nh基于复杂可编程器件的数字化高压电源设计.nh  [4.23MB]
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