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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:电子与通信工程
  • 适用年级:研究生
  • 上传用户:f8223065
  • 文件格式:nh
  • 文件大小:5.56MB
  • 上传时间:2012-2-24 23:50:42
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:2

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【摘要】 随着微电子技术及大规模集成电路的发展,对模拟信号的数字化处理被越来越多的应用到各种电气设备中。FPGA技术更是近些年来数字处理上应用的比较多的技术。本课题正是利用现在比较流行的FPGA技术结合电视技术对数字化后的X射线透视图像的视频信号进行数字处理。其中,用FPGA实现了对视频信号的负像、镜像、实时降噪处理、扫描制式变换以及多帧图像存储等功能。本课题提出了一种多重递归复合降噪的新算法。该方法是在传统的单一递归降噪方法上加以改进而成的。实验结果表明,采用本方法实现的X线电视系统,在降噪系数调节时,图像的降噪效果以及运动拖尾的变化都没有跳变的感觉。这样在实际使用中很容易找到降噪效果和运动拖尾的矛盾结合点,为医生的工作带来了很大方便,大大提高了诊断效率。
【Abstract】 With the large-scale integrated circuits and microelectronic technology development, the number of analog signal processing has been an increasing number of applications to various electrical devices. FPGA is being used more among digital processing technology in recent years. In this subject, the more popular FPGA technology combined with digital television technology is utilized for the processing of the video signal of the X-ray perspective image after digitalization. The negative, mirror, multi-frame storage, as well as real-time processing such as noise reduction features of the video signal has been realized with using of FPGA. The subject presents a novel complex multi-recursive noise reduction algorithm. This method is improved based on the traditional single-recursive noise reduction method. The experiment results showed that when X-ray television system based on this method is regulated noise reduction coefficient, the effects of noise reduction, as well as movement of the tail of the image did not generate the feeling of transition. In practice, doctors can be easily found the best combination of the effect of noise reduction and the conflict of the movements trailing. It makes the work of doctors convenience and greatly enhanced the efficiency of diagnosis.
【关键词】 FPGA; 图像处理; 降噪;
【Key words】 FPGA; image processing; noise reduction;

  • 硕士论文-医用X线图像处理技术研究与实现
    • nh医用X线图像处理技术研究与实现.nh  [6.25MB]
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