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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:计算机
  • 适用专业:计算机技术
  • 适用年级:研究生
  • 上传用户:树干面包
  • 文件格式:nh
  • 文件大小:3.41MB
  • 上传时间:2012-2-15 23:25:14
  • 下载次数:0
  • 浏览次数:6

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


【摘要】 随着油田装备技术的不断发展,提高石油企业的生存和竞争能力,降低生产成本,提高劳动效率,减少安全隐患,是油田当前和今后一个时期的一项主要任务。石油企业在用抽油机进行抽吸作业时,需要工人操作专用的车辆来进行抽吸作业,但工人难以准确判断抽子处在井下什么位置,只能根据经验来推断,误差很大,因此急需要一种信号采集系统来做这样的工作。信号采集系统在抽油机中的设计实现,正是迎合了油田的发展需要,是数字化油田的基础,为油田自动化发展和提高油田的现代化管理水平起到重大的作用。本文主要采用嵌入式系统的设计方法,即软件硬件协调设计的方法,在设计硬件部分的同时也进行了配套的软件部分的设计。本系统主要包括单片机、存储器、显示设备、按键设备及通信接口等的设计,适用于油田试油、捞油、捞砂等井下作业。当生产作业时,该信号采集装置根据作业情况自动对钢丝绳进行动态密封,以防止油水随钢丝绳运动而溢出所造成对现场的环境污染。具有指深、限位预报警、天车防碰、出液量显示、数据储存等主要功能。
【Abstract】 With the constant development of equipment in oil field, improving the viability and competitive ability of the oil enterprises, reducing output cost, raising working efficiency, lessening the potential safety hazard, are the main task in the oil field for the time being and in a future time.When the pumping unit operating the task of suction, oil enterprises require workers to operate specialized vehicles to do the task of suction, but it is not easy for the workers to judge the underground position of pump accurately, they have to infer according to experience with error, therefore, a system of signal acquisition is demanded deadly to do such kind of work.The designing Realization of the signal acquisition system in the pumping unit catering for the developing demand of oil field, which is the base of digitalized oil field and play an important role in automatic development together with promotion of the modern management level for the oil field.The essay mainly adopts the designing method of embedded system, a kind of coordination of software and hardware design, that is to say, designing the auxiliary part of software while designing the part of hardware. The system mainly includes designs of single-chip computer, storage, display equipment, button equipment and communications interface etc., which is applied to underground task of oil testing, oil salvage,sand salvage and so on. When doing the operation, the equipment of signal acquisition will conduct a dynamic seal to wire rope automatically according to the state of operation in case of the oil overflow caused by movement of wire rope and the environmental pollution for the spot. The main functions of the system are indicate depth, limited warning, crown-saver, liquid display and date storage.
【关键词】 嵌入式系统; 单片机; 信号采集; 串行通讯; 控制系统;
【Key words】 embedded system; singe-chip computer; signal acquisition; serial communication; control system;

  • 硕士论文-一种信号采集系统在抽油机中的应用研究
    • nh一种信号采集系统在抽油机中的应用研究.nh  [3.94MB]
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