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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:计算机
  • 适用专业:计算机技术
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:我为伱菰诞
  • 文件格式:nh
  • 文件大小:4.68MB
  • 上传时间:2012-2-12 23:25:25
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  • 浏览次数:5

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【摘要】 随着过程控制技术的发展,实时控制系统被广泛应用于各个自动化控制领域。真正意义的实时控制系统不仅要求计算的逻辑结果的正确性,同时还要求计算结果产生的及时性。这就需要计算机有一个功能强大的、成熟的嵌入式实时操作系统来做支持。VxWorks是目前软件工程师采用最多的商用实时操作系统,由于它的实时性强、开发相对简单,所以Vxworks已经被广泛地应用在国防、航空航天、通信、消费电子、工业控制、汽车电子等领域。另外,随着自动化工业的飞速发展,自动化控制领域对计算机平台提出了更高的要求。用于实时控制的计算机必须具备成本低、稳定性强、维护简便的特点。CompactPCI总线结构的计算机就是为了适应新的工业需求由PICMG组织推出的。本课题就是以等离子晶体刻蚀机的实时控制系统为工程背景,分析了该实时系统选用VxWorks作为操作系统、选用CompactPCI总线计算机的原因,并开发出该实时控制系统的核心数据采集模块cPCI-9112在VxWorks下的驱动程序。在论文中介绍了等离子晶体刻蚀机的现状,分析了选择VxWorks和CompactPCI的原因;分析了VxWorks和CompactPCI的特点和优势;研究了cPCI-9112和其主控芯片AMCC-S5935的寄存器结构;研究了VxWorks下开发PCI设备的方法;最终完成了cPCI-9112在VxWorks下的驱动程序的开发。
【Abstract】 With the development of Process Control Technology, the real-time control system is widely utilized in various fields of automation controlling. In the true senses of ’real-time control system’, not only does it require the high accuracy and logics of program calculation results, also requires timeliness of calculation result caused. Thus, in order to realize both of functions by real-time control system, computers do need a powerful and mature embedded operation system as a supporting element. So far as it is concerned, currently, Vx Works is the real-time operation system in business sector which majority software engineers give more preferences. Vx Works has already broadly been applied in the area of National Defense, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Communications, Consumed Electronics, Industrial Control and Automobile Electronics etc. It mainly attributes to its two characters of high timeliness and easy R&D. Furthermore, with the rapid pace of automation industry developing, a higher requirement based on computer system platform has been pointed out, which may as well be demonstrated in 3 aspects namely lower cost, strong stability and simple maintenance. Now, Compact PCI computer launched by PICMG organization has highly adopted the new requirement of industrial demand.The research project I was involved, based on the real-time operation system of plasma crystal etching instrument, analyze the reasons why choosing Vx Works as its real-time operation system, why choosing a Compact PCI computer; and how to develop cPCI-9112 core data acquire module under the Vx Works driving program. In this thesis, I will introduce as following:·The current situation of plasma crystal etching instrument;·The reason why to select Vx Works and Compact PCI;·The thorough analysis of the characters and advantages of Vx Works and Compact PCI;·The structure of cPCI-9112 and its primary controlling chip AMCC-S5935 register;·The method of developing PCI equipment under Vx Works;·How to develop driving program for cPCI-9112 under Vx Works;
【关键词】 嵌入式实时系统; VxWorks; CompactPCI; cPCI-9112; AMCC-S5935; 采集卡驱动程序;
【Key words】 Embedded real-time operation system; VxWorks; CompactPCI; cPCI-9112; AMCC-S5935; DAQ driver program;
  • 硕士论文-CompactPCI总线数据采集卡的VxWorks驱动程序的开发与研究
    • nhCompactPCI总线数据采集卡的VxWorks驱动程序的开发与研究.nh  [5.24MB]
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