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An introduction to old and medieval English literature:
1. England was conquered by the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, and the Normans.
2. Language & culture influence: The Anglo-Saxons brought to England the Germanic language and culture, while the Normans (most influence) brought a fresh wave of Mediterranean civilization, which include Greek culture, Roman law, and the Christian religion.
3. The period of old English literature extends from about 450 to 1066, the year of the Norman conquest of England.
4. The Anglo-Saxons language is the basis of modern English.
5. The old English poetry can be divided into two groups: the religious group (宗教诗) and the secular one (世俗诗).
6. Beowulf(贝奥武甫(八世纪初的一篇古英语史诗; 该史诗中的主角)), a typical example of old English poetry, is regarded today as the national epic (民族史诗) of the Anglo-Saxons. Literary position: The poem was originally in an oral form, it is written down in the 10th century. Thematically the poem presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggles against the hostile forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader.
7. The Norman conquest starts the medieval period in English literature, which is from 1066 up to the
  • 自考英美文学资料
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