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安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

MANET 是 MANET 在战场环境下的应用,本文研究战术 MANET 的拓扑控制。
结合战术 MANET 应用场景,我们重点关注三方面问题:动态拓扑变化问题、
上三个问题出发,对分布式实现 k 边连通的拓扑控制算法 LTRT 进行改进,最终
实现了战术 MANET 场景下,移动分层异构网络在多约束条件下的拓扑控制策略。
1) 通过 LTRT 算法流程分析和静态场景下的仿真,我们总结了 LTRT 算法的
优缺点。其优点主要体现在:分布式、实现 k 边连通、复杂度低。不足体现在:
2) 我们定义了连通率、链路生存率和链路稳定率来衡量动态场景下拓扑控
制算法的性能,研究了如何根据节点移动速度、网络密度、k 边连通的 k 值、网
节点移动会对网络连通率和链路生存率产生较大的影响,LTRT 算法生成拓扑的
链路稳定性也有待提高。通过增加 power buffer 和链路生存性参数,我们对 LTRT
3) 对于分层异构网络的拓扑控制,我们从地面节点分类网络的拓扑控制和
4) 结合实际网络中节点处理能力有限以及网络容量的要求,我们给拓扑控
制中加入最大节点度和节点间路径最大跳数的限制。通过改进 LTRT 算法中的链
路选择权重函数,以及 LTRT 算法流程,我们实现了多条件约束的拓扑控制算法。
关键词:战术 MANET;拓扑控制;动态性;分层异构性;多约束条件
In recent years, MANET has been widely applied in many fields such as
emergency communication and military communication. This is because the MANET
does not rely on fixed infrastructure, with the advantages of real-time deployment and
easy re-configuration. Tactical MANET is the application of MANET in battlefield
environment. In this dissertation, the topology control of Tactical MANET is
In consideration of the tactical MANET scenarios, we focus on three aspects:
dynamic topology change, topology control in hierarchical heterogeneous network, the
topology constraints in the practical network. We make some improvements based on
LTRT, a reliable distributed topology control algorithm that can preserve k-edge
connectivity. The main work and results of this paper are as follows:
1) By simulation analysis under static scene, we summarize the advantages and
disadvantages of the LTRT algorithm. The shortage of the algorithm is reflected in
many aspects, such as the node degree of the generated topology is unbalanced.
Besides, LTRT cannot be applied in tactical MANET directly which has several types
of nodes. Moreover, the LTRT algorithm ignores many actual network parameters, like
maximum node degree restrictions and the hop count restrictions of the path between
any two nodes.
2) To measure the dynamic performance of topology control algorithms, we
introduce three metrics: connectivity ratio, link survival ratio and link stability ratio.
We focus on network parameters which have an effect on the choice of the topology
update interval. Meanwhile, we improve the LTRT algorithm by two means, adding the
power buffer and the link survival parameter, to solve the problem under dynamic
3) We discuss the topology control problem in hierarchical heterogeneous
networks from two aspects: one is the ground network with different types of nodes
and the other is the placement of UAV to support communication among the ground
4) In respect that the actual network nodes have limited energy and processing
power and the network capacity diminishes based on the amount of hopping, we add
two constraints, maximum node degree restrictions and the hop count restrictions, to
the topology control algorithm. By modifying the weight function of link options and
the LTRT algorithm process, we achieve the topology control algorithm under multiple
constraints. Through simulation, we verify the correctness of the algorithm and analyze
the significance of the different weighting factors.
Keywords : Tactical MANET; Topology Control; Dynamics; hierarchical
heterogeneous; Multiple Constraints
第 1 章 引 言 .....1
1.1 战术 MANET 研究背景 .........1
1.2 拓扑控制相关研究 .......2
1.3 论文主要工作 ....3
1.4 论文结构 ..3
第 2 章 LTRT 算法实现和性能评估 5
2.1 本章引论 ..5
2.2 网络模型 ..5
2.3 LTRT 算法流程与实现 .7
2.4 LTRT 算法静态场景性能评估 8
2.4.1 仿真场景和仿真参数 .........8
2.4.2 仿真结果及分析 ......8
2.4.3 LTRT 性能分析 ........ 10
2.5 小结 ....... 11
第 3 章 动态场景下的拓扑控制 ..... 12
3.1 本章引论 12
3.2 动态场景拓扑控制关键问题分析 .. 12
3.3 LTRT 算法动态场景性能评估 ........ 14
3.3.1 仿真参数定义 ........ 14
3.3.2 移动模型 ..... 14
3.3.3 仿真结果与分析 .... 15
3.4 动态场景 LTRT 算法改进 .... 17
3.5 小结 ....... 19
第 4 章 分层异构网络的拓扑控制 . 20
4.1 本章引论 20
4.2 网络模型 20
4.3 地面异构网络的拓扑控制 .... 21
4.3.1 节点分类的拓扑控制策略与实现 ........ 21
4.3.2 节点分类的拓扑控制策略分析 .. 22
4.4 空中无人机置放策略 . 22
4.4.1 基本假设 ..... 22
4.4.2 无人机置放策略 .... 23
4.4.3 无人机置放策略改进 ....... 25
4.5 小结 ....... 25
第 5 章 多条件约束的拓扑控制 ..... 26
5.1 本章引论 26
5.2 约束条件分析 .. 26
5.3 多条件约束的拓扑控制策略 27
5.4 算法仿真和分析 ......... 28
5.4.1 仿真参数设定 ........ 28
5.4.2 仿真结果及分析 .... 28
5.5 小结 ....... 30
第 6 章 总结与展望 .... 31
6.1 论文工作总结 .. 31
6.2 未来工作展望 .. 32
插图索引 ......... 33
表格索引 ......... 34
参考文献 ......... 35
致 谢 … . 37
声 明 … . 38
附录 A 外文资料书面翻译 . 39
  • 毕业论文-战术MANET拓扑控制研究
    • Microsoft Word文档毕业论文-战术MANET拓扑控制研究.doc  [2.97MB]
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