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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:PLC
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:changbowen2257
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:322.63KB
  • 上传时间:2011-5-8 23:25:02
  • 下载次数:6
  • 浏览次数:96

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

摘 要
随着自动控制理论和 PLC 技术的发展,具有易于使用、功能强大、高可靠性、扩展能
力强、广泛的适用性和组成控制系统的简洁性等诸多优点的 PLC 控制技术,得到了越来越
本论文以作者研究的基于 PLC 的磨线机控制系统项目和基于 PLC 的剥线机控制系统项
目为背景,从 PLC 控制系统设计的角度,探讨 PLC 控制技术的应用,完成了如下几项工
(1)综述了 PLC 控制技术的产生、发展、国内外应用现状以及与其他控制技术的对
(2)探讨了广泛适用的基于 PLC 的控制系统设计的一般方法。从 PLC 控制系统的组
成、设计原则分析入手,重点分析了 PLC 控制系统硬件设计和软件设计的方法和步骤。
(3)实现了基于 PLC 的磨线机控制系统的设计,包括系统的总体设计、硬件设计和
计算原理;硬件的设计又包括 PLC 设备选型、I/O 分配、PLC 接线图、线径检测器、模拟
量输入模块、伺服放大器等内容;软件的设计包括多个模块的 PLC 程序的设计、多个画面
(4)完成了基于 PLC 的剥线机控制系统的设计,包括系统的总体设计、硬件设计和
度曲线来控制步进电机的加、减速运动的控制方法;硬件的设计又包括减少 PLC 输入点数
设计、PLC 设备选型、I/O 分配、PLC 接线图、步进电机等内容;软件的设计主要是 PLC
基于 PLC 的磨线机控制系统,经过一年多的生产运行,结果表明:该系统运行稳定、
(见附录)。基于 PLC 的剥线机控制系统,目前已进入后期调试、完善阶段,预期该系统

The Design and Implementation of Control System of Wire-Grinding
Machine and Wire-Stripping Machine Based on PLC
With the development of automatic control theory and PLC technology, the PLC control
technology which has the advantages of use easily, powerful function, high reliability, strong
expansion,wide applicability and the simplicity of building a control system and so on, has got a
broad application increasingly.
During the study time of graduate, the author has finished the research work of two projects
which are wire-grinding machine and wire-stripping machine. Both of the systems are based on
PLC technology. These are the backgrounds to this article which mainly discusses the application
of the PLC control technology, and the following research work is completed.
First, this article gives a overview of PLC control technology about it’s generation,
development, status quo of application at home and abroad, and the contrast with other control
technique. The source, background, status quo of research at home and abroad, significance of
research about the two projects, the control system of wire-grinding machine and wire-stripping
machine, are introduced.
Second, a method which is suited widely about the design of control system based on PLC is
covered. Starting with the structure and design principle of control system based on PLC,
analyzes the method and steps of hardware design and software design emphatically.
Third, the design which includes the overall design, hardware design and software design to
the control system of wire-grinding machine based on PLC is implemented. During the system’s
overall design, a method of multistage wire-grinding is proposed, and the theory of calculating
wire diameter is also analyzed. The selection of PLC equipment, I/O distribution, PLC wiring
diagram, the wire diameter detector, analog input module and servo amplifiers are belong to the
system’s hardware design. The software design to the system includes the design of many
modules of PLC program and many human-machine interfaces.
Fourth, the design which includes the overall design, hardware design and software design
to the control system of wire-stripping machine based on PLC is completed. To the system’s
overall design, calculating the pulse number of stepping motor is analyzed. What’s more is that
the method of speed curve like ladder controlling stepping motor is used also. The design of
hardware to the system includes the design of reducing PLC input numbers, the selection of PLC
equipment, I/O distribution, PLC wiring diagram, stepping motor and so on. The design of
software to the system is the design of PLC program which includes main routines, two
segments wire-stripping module, three segments wire-stripping module, functional pressed keys
module and the input module of digital pressed keys and so on.
Since the control system of wire-grinding machine based on PLC began to process wire, the
system which last about half and one year runs stably and reliably, and the production has a high
quality. According to the user’s identification (referring to appendix), this system’s performance
index has arrived at the same level of this kinds of products in foreign. At present, the control
system of wire-stripping machine based on PLC is in an advanced state of debugging and
development. As it is developed successfully, it will bring a great beneficial effect to the
Key words:PLC, wire-grinding machine, wire-stripping machine, control system
  • 硕士论文-基于PLC的磨线机和剥线机控制系统的设计与实现
    • Microsoft Word文档硕士论文-基于PLC的磨线机和剥线机控制系统的设计与实现.doc  [3.79MB]
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