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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:汽车工程
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:唐伯龙哥哥
  • 文件格式:word+AutoCad
  • 文件大小:1.32MB
  • 上传时间:2011-4-21 16:55:05
  • 下载次数:7
  • 浏览次数:172

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

Design of small machanical Vertical parking with Four spaces
Vertical parking spaces is for every kind of voluntarily parking and scientific deposition of the storehouse facilities.In recent years, with economic development, China's urbanization level foster and improve people’s living standards, the increasing car ownership.At the same time, the growth of car parking has not kept pace. A serious imbalance between car parking and car number.It’s a common phenomenon that parking has become difficult for large and medium cities. Therefore is bring problems like difficult to parking, illegal parking, parking management difficulties and other issues.The cars’rapidly development lead the urban car parking more difficult than before. an effective measure of static traffic to solve the city - to the space, to the development of automated high-rise parking facilities, for its abvantages like small area, parking rates, flexible layout efficient low power, cost-effective, safe and reliable, appreciated by more and more people.The common market at present mechanical parking are: lifting class, vertical circulation class, multi-cycle class, level loop, plain and mobile classes, laneway type, vertical lifting class and the class of simple movements, including the advantages of lifting and class of its simple structure, easy operation, safe and reliable, low cost,holding absolute advantages in the domestic garage.
This paper discusses the work I was doing undergraduate Bachelor of graduation design project undertaken during the period - four parking spaces for small mechanical design process.
Key words: Vertical parking spaces; mechanical;lifting class
绪论 1
1 机械式立体车库总体结构的研究及设计 7
1.1 升降横移式立体车库简介 7
1.1.1 升降横移式立体车库的工作原理 7
1.1.2 立体车库机械部分部件结构和功能 7
3) 提升系统 8
4) 控制系统 8
1.2 立体车库钢结构的设计 9
1.2.1 焊缝连接要求 9
1.2.2 螺栓连接要求 10
1.2.3 立体车库钢结构分析校核 11
1) 支撑柱受力分析 12
2) 立柱稳定性校核 13
3) 导轨支撑梁强度校核 16
1.3 载车板的设计 17
1.3.1 载车板主要部件的结构型式 17
1.3.2 主要参数的选择与计算 18
1.3.3 轴的选择 20
1.3.4 安全防护机构 26
2 立体车库电气控制系统设计 27
2.1 电气控制系统整体设计 27
1)检测点分布 28
2)控制点分布 29
2.2 电气系统关键部分设计 31
2.3 PLC控制程序设计 32
总结和展望 35
参考文献 36
致谢 37
  • 毕业设计-四车位小型机械立体车库设计
    • 四车位小型机械立体车库设计
      • 图纸
        • AutoCAD工程图纸文件上载车板.dwg  [35.77KB]
        • 备份文件下载车板.bak  [293.20KB]
        • AutoCAD工程图纸文件下载车板.dwg  [293.20KB]
        • 备份文件总装图.bak  [499.92KB]
        • AutoCAD工程图纸文件总装图.dwg  [499.92KB]
        • AutoCAD工程图纸文件提升机构.dwg  [81.95KB]
        • AutoCAD工程图纸文件链轮.dwg  [56.96KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档四车位小型机械立体车库设计论文.doc  [1011.00KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档开题报告.doc  [45.50KB]
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