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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehi
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:4.93MB
  • 上传时间:2011-3-25 22:24:01
  • 下载次数:1
  • 浏览次数:58

安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

摘 要:
Creating of the Fodders for the Virtual Models’ Storeroom
The technology of CAD not only helps technicians put down their tracers,but also improves the pace of the product’s designing and updating greatly.Thanks to its development, the graphics education receives revolutionary progress.Numerous excellent three-dimensional virtual models not only conveniences the teachers ,but also helps the students enormously .For exerting the virtual models’ advantages ,the creation of the virtual model storeroom is needed.
The paper introduces the technology of the virtual reality and its development and research conditon , the development and orientation of the CAD in our country and overseas, the virtual models’ advantages in the computer aided education, the actuality about the virtual model storeroom and the virtual models’ making flow. It explains the differences from the three-dimensional designing software and the planar one, and enumerates several three-dimensional designing softwares and compares them with each other. It also enumerates the virtual models’ several formats in common use and each one’s peculiarity. It detailedly illustrates how to make virtual models with the software of UG.and how to complete the later work as how to convert to the needed formats.
Key words: virtual reality,CAD, virtual model, UG,Spinfire,Cult3D
目 录
1 选题背景……………………………1
1.1 虚拟现实技术简介…………1
1.2 CAD技术的发展现状及趋势…2
1.3 虚拟模型在计算机辅助教学中的优势………………3
1.4 虚拟模型素材库开发的现状4
2 虚拟模型的制作……………………5
2.1 虚拟模型的制作流程………5
2.2 原始虚拟模型的制作………5
2.3 虚拟模型的常用格式及转换7
3 实例介绍……………………………8
3.1 建立三维模型………………8
3.2 装配泵体……………………16
3.3 格式转换……………………22
4 结论和总结…………………………23
4.1 虚拟模型未来展望…………24
4.2 对UGS公司的建议…………24
4.3 毕业设计主要收获…………24
5 参考文献…………………………25
6 致 谢…………………………26
  • 毕业论文-虚拟模型库素材的建设
    • 虚拟模型库素材的建设
      • 翻译
        • Adobe Acrobat可导出文档格式文件A graph-theoretic approach to conceptual design with functional perspectives-gnc.pdf  [310.87KB]
        • Microsoft Word文档translation插图成品.doc  [420.00KB]
        • Microsoft Word文档外文翻译封面.doc  [23.50KB]
      • 论文
        • Microsoft Word文档摘要.doc  [26.50KB]
        • Microsoft Word文档正文.doc  [9.26MB]
        • Microsoft Word文档目录.doc  [19.50KB]
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