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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及其自动化
  • 适用年级:本科
  • 上传用户:lizhu98000
  • 文件格式:word
  • 文件大小:175.86KB
  • 上传时间:2011-3-6 23:50:36
  • 下载次数:2
  • 浏览次数:127

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本文以一种德国起重机为例,在分析该车油气悬挂系统结构形式和工作原理的基础上,建立了油气悬挂系统复杂非线性数学模型,用Matlab/Simulink 软件编制了仿真程序,并将仿真结果绘置曲线图。利用计算机仿真程序仿真绘制。根据设定的蓄能器初始冲气压力、初始冲气体积、阻尼比孔径、缸筒直径等参数,然后利用这些参数,建立数学模型,并利用计算机仿真,绘曲线图。;
关键词: 油气悬挂系统 数学模型 计算机仿真
ABSTRACT: The hydro-pneumatic suspension(HPS) which appeared in 1970s is a new type of suspension. With its advanced nonlinear characteristics and advanced shocksorption performatent, it met the needs of engineering vehicles very well and improved rid comfort and handing stability of the vehicles.
The thesis takes one king of crane made in Germany as an example and sets up a complex nonlinear mathematic model of the hydro-pneumatic suspention system on the basis of analysis of its structural form and working principles, moreover, writes a computer simulation results and the best date shows that model is authentic. By using the computer simulaftion program, we can forcast the effects of the system paramcters on the performance of the system, which provides a theoretical foundation for independectic suspension system. The parameters indlude the gas-accumulators’ original pressure and volume, the diameter of the damping hole, the diameter of the cylinder and frequency of the excitation. In the end by using the parameters, building up the mathematic model, and by using the computer simulation program, draw the picture.
The thesis also sets up a quarter vehicle model which uses the hydro-pneumatic suspension system. Giving the road disturbances, by using the computer simulation program so as to obtain angle of roll, we can obtain the displacement, velocity and acceleration of sprung mass, dynamic type forces and dymamic displacement of the suspension, and it provides the basis for evaluating the roll of the whole vehicle performance.
Hydro-pneumatic suspension system
mathematic model computer simulation

目 录
摘要(中英文) …………1
第一章 绪 论 …………1
1.1 引言 …………1
1.2 汽车悬挂的类型 …………1
1.2.1 被动悬挂 2
1.2.2 独立悬挂 …4
1.3 油气悬挂 ……5
1.3.1 油气悬挂的优缺点  ……5
1.3.2 关于油气悬挂的理论研究 6
1.3.3 油气悬挂的实际应用 6
1.3.4 关于油气悬挂的研究…8
1.3.5 国内悬挂技术的研究和发展………9
1.4 汽车乘坐动力学研究 ……11
1.4.1 汽车乘坐动力学的研究内容 ……11
1.4.2 汽车乘坐动力学建模与分析 ……12
第二章 油气悬挂系统的结构形式与工作原理 …………13
2.1 概述 …………13
2.2 油气悬挂系统的两种结构形式 …………13
2.3 油气悬挂系统的工作原理 14
2.3.1 蓄能器的工作原理 …14
2.3.2 油气悬挂系统的工作原理 …………………14
2.4 油气悬挂系统的三种工作状态 …………………15
2.4.1 刚性悬挂状态 …………15
2.4.2 弹性悬挂状态 ………15
2.4.3 半弹性半刚性状态 … 15
第三章 起重机油气悬挂系统非线性数学模型研究 ……16
3.1 概述 …………16
3.2 油气悬挂系统数学模型的建立 …………17
第四章 油气悬挂系统侧倾性能分析和计算机仿真 ……26
4.1 概述 ……26
4.2 油气悬挂系统计算机仿真 ………26
第五章 总 结 ……30
致谢 ……32

  • 毕业设计论文-工程车辆独立式油气悬挂侧倾性能研究
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