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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:电子电工
  • 适用专业:PLC
  • 适用年级:大学
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  • 上传时间:2010-3-31 20:56:53
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大连交通大学信息工程学院专业课程实践训练 三层电梯控制系统设计,共23页,9560字。
摘 要

关键词:PLC控制系统 电梯 逻辑控制电路 变频器
This text introduces the control system of a kind of elevator PLC.The elevator is perpendicular directional of the conveyance equipments be indispensable in the high building of transportation equipments.It depends electric power, dragging along to move a car that can carry person or thing and lead a track in the building of the well way up do perpendicularity to ascend and descend sport, there is prominent function in the people’s life.And the control elevator circulate of the PLC system also has more and more high request, request to attain the movement purpose of "steady, quasi-, quick" of elevator movement.That system mainly from PLC, logic control the electric circuit constitute.Include an exchanges difference to tread electric motor among them, after the electric appliances, get in touch with a machine, route of travel switch and press button, give out light the indicator constitute and transducer for the control system of integral whole.The this machine control unit adoption carries on whole process a control to the machine by the programmable controller PLC of Mitsubishi company.
The whole system passes PLC, logic control the electric circuit is to the rise and fall of elevator;Add, decelerate;Even layer;Start, make to move a control.Its structure is simple and circulate an efficiency, even layer accuracy, be easy to comprehension and control.
Key Words: The PLC controls system elevator The logic controls electric circuit transducer
目 录
1 课题概述 5
1.1 课题的来源及意义 5
1.2 电梯的发展史 5
1.3 变频器的使用意义 6
1.4 课题研究内容及要求 7
1.4.1设计原则 7
1.4.2自行设计内容 7
1.4.3程序设计提示 7
2 电梯的PLC系统构成 8
2.1机房 8
2.2曳引系统 8
2.3导向系统 8
2.4门系统 8
2.5轿厢 8
2.6门厅 9
2.7井道 9
2.8围壁 9
2.9顶板 9
2.10底坑 9
2.11重量平衡系统 9
2.12电力拖动系统 9
2.13电器控制系统 9
3 PLC概述 10
3.1 PLC的功能 10
3.1.1、数据采集与输出。 10
3.2 PLC的体系结构 10
3.2.1 CPU模块 11
3.2.2 I/O模块 11
4 用PLC控制三层电梯 12
4.1 思路分析 12
4.2电梯控制系统实现的功能 13
4.3电梯操作方式: 14
4.4系统软件设计 14
4.5三层梯模拟控制模块图: 15
4.6系统梯形图 15
系统调试与结论 21
参考文献 22
附录 23
  • 大连交通大学信息工程学院专业课程实践训练 三层电梯控制系统设计
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